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Showing posts from March, 2012

Podcasts for today

Three non-technical topics podcasts: 1.  - Harvard Business Review - a lot of interesting interviews concentrated on soft skills, business, career, etc. 2.  - very interesting (although not published as frequently as you may wish to) podcast about innovation and creativity in general, created by Phil McKinney whom I had chance to meet and talk to twice (and yea, in real life he is also an interesting person :)) 3.  - this week in science is apparently back!

jQueryMobile in a weekend

I played with jQueryMobile during the weekend and was really surprised by the productivity you get with the framework. In like 4hrs I was able to create a great looking app that was running with any major glitches on my Android phone. Now when I compare that to the challenges I was experiencing when coding with Android :) Some lessons learned from the weekend: - Good IDE for javascript is a must. Aptana really rules in that area, you can add it to your Android Eclipse installation easily - - There are challenges on Android when you move between pages of the app. The whole screen blinks. Apparently you need to disable the transition effect on Android, like below: $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition = "none"; $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "none"; - I18N is not built into the jQM, but there are some interesting workarounds, like