What is HTTPS? HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a way of transferring data over internet in a secure manner. It's achieved through adding SSL (Secure Socket Layer)/TLS (Transport Layer Security) on top of standards HTTP. What HTTPS gives us? End-2-end encryption of data - from the browser to the server and back = even if someone reads the data you are sending, they will not be able to understand anything out of it Confirmation of the identity of the website we are accessing = you are sure that the website that looks like your bank is actually your bank (and not a phishing website) How does it work? First you need a pair of SSL certificates: One installed in your web browser (in most cases shipped together with your browser, provided by one of so-called trusted Certificate Authorities) One installed on the website (which is acquired by the website owner) Each of those SSL certificates includes the following information: Public information: name of...
Since apparently there are still issues with using Spark2 from Zeppelin, you may want to switch to shell to use Spark2 with HDP 2.5. Summarizing the flow (learned it the hard way): Connect via SSH to the sandbox (e.g. Putty on Windows) on port 2122. This will allow you to use copy-paste (vs console in VirtualBox) username: root password (default): hadoop SSH into the docker container that runs HDP ssh root@ username: root password (default): hadoop Make sure you use Spark2 export SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION=2 Run Spark shell cd /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/bin ./spark-shell