If you're wondering how put a working AdMob view into your SurfaceView and are tired of looking in the Internet for solution (somehow most suggestions that I found on forums didnt work), here it is... Assumptions: A. We request the ad on creation (you may want to refresh it later though...) B. The AdView is put on the bottom of the screen C. It's a production ready code, but if you want to test it - add testDevices to the adRequest D. You've already set AndroidManifest properly as described in the Getting Started tutorial 1. In the activity that initializes your SurfaceView add a field representing your adView, for example: private AdView adView; 2. In the onCreate method of the same activity put the following code: // window manager preparation WindowManager.LayoutParams windowParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); windowParams.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM; windowParams.x = 0; windowParams.y = 0; windowParams.height = WindowManager.Lay...