What is HTTPS? HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a way of transferring data over internet in a secure manner. It's achieved through adding SSL (Secure Socket Layer)/TLS (Transport Layer Security) on top of standards HTTP. What HTTPS gives us? End-2-end encryption of data - from the browser to the server and back = even if someone reads the data you are sending, they will not be able to understand anything out of it Confirmation of the identity of the website we are accessing = you are sure that the website that looks like your bank is actually your bank (and not a phishing website) How does it work? First you need a pair of SSL certificates: One installed in your web browser (in most cases shipped together with your browser, provided by one of so-called trusted Certificate Authorities) One installed on the website (which is acquired by the website owner) Each of those SSL certificates includes the following information: Public information: name of...